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Fulfilling Work: The surprising way where startups can stock goods, fulfill orders and save money

Fulfilling Work: The surprising way where startups can stock goods, fulfill orders and save money

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Jan. 3, 2019


Fulfilling Work: The surprising way where startups can stock goods, fulfill orders and save money Image

Every startups challenge

Indra discovered something very quickly: there was only one of him. But that didn’t change the fact that he had to either do, or monitor the doing, of every aspect of his business.

He has to take, pack, double-check and dispatch all orders of his small tech company. On top of all that, there was stocktaking, new inventory to acquire, buying patterns to analyze and more. Much more.

We haven’t mentioned the coordination of courier and warehouse – and that is only after the third warehousing company.

Indra is every small business owner. And even if he hires on help – there’s still only one of him.

True stories of fulfillment

At The Box, we act like a partner to businesses just like Indra’s. Our main service is self-storage, but our passion is helping people. So while we store your inventory, we also become the manpower you wish you had.

Along with ensuring your goods in storage correspond with what’s on paper, we provide an essential service in 3 simple steps:

  1. You email us your daily orders
  2. We pack and prepare items for courier
  3. We send monthly reports to help you keep track of orders and inventory

In practice, we’re your business’s order fulfillment department, and we’re helping our startup clients in just this way, every day.

For more information, email [email protected] or call 800-THEBOX.